Sunday, January 28, 2007

It is January but not to cold to be at the beach. The sun was shining but the breeze was a little chilly. Mike wanted to go surf fishing and test out his new Christmas present, so Mia and I joined him. Mia and I had a liitle picnic and then went for a walk. We fed the seagulls some of her cheese puffs and she was just looking around at the swarm of birds coming our way. Mia enjoyed sitting in the sand and throwing handfuls up in the air. Much to our surprise, she never put any in her mouth. When we got home and I changed her diaper, I found more sand :) . At times she would dart toward the shore to get her feet wet. What a workout! Long gone are the days of sitting in the beach chair reading a book!!!!

1 comment:

Isabelle said...

I swear she looks just like you guys!!!
Makena isn't afraid of waves so it's quite stressful when we take her to the beach, too.

Miss you!

