Thursday, February 24, 2005

Meeting with social worker

Today we met with Nohra. She will be creating our homestudy. Our homestudy will be a short story of our lives, from childhood to now, our family life growing up, our view on disciplining our children, our education, our relationship with our family and friends, our hobbies. It's basically a biography of our lives to date. We are required to have 5 letters of reference. 2 from family and 3 from friends, we have asked Tommy and Stacia, Joey and Rich, Chief Magill, Mike's dad Wayne and Deanna and Vince. Their letters were so thoughtful and most made me cry. We are so grateful!

This has been very excited and emotional. Mike and I cannot wait to have a child. We have so many things that we want to share with her. We cannot wait until we can say we are a family.

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